Thursday, March 25, 2010

Throttle The Bottle

1) Is bottled water cleaner and tastier than tap? Explain.

Bottled water isn't cleaner or tastier than tap water. We're basically drinking the same water but, its actually dirtier because the bottles are made from oil and it isn't tastier because it tastes the same as tap water.

2) How is bottled water made? Where does it go after you throw the bottle away?

Bottle water is made out of oil. After we use the bottles , not all of them get recycled only some of them and some of them get shipped to India and the rest get burned and the fumes from the burning bottles mess up our environment more and some of the plastic from the bottles is used to be made into even cheaper plastic that will not be recycled after its been used so basically all the bottles are being burned or disposed of in a non environment friendly way.

3) What can you do to help solve the bottled water problem?

We can get reusable bottles and use them to refill them to drink water everyday instead of using the plastic bottles.


Ms. Matos said...

Nice Post. You really got all the facts.