Friday, February 13, 2009

This is a poem i wrote umm it doesnt have a title hope you enjoy it

Everything you've ever seen
Everything you've ever done
Turned into a mere bubble
Just a little memory
You were nothing
Nothing mor than a figment of everyones imagination
Nothing real
Not even thought of as a bit of dirt
If you were real, then the blood that runs through your veins would run on the floor
After you've suffered a tragic and painful accident
Your accident would be painful like the words that come out of my mouth


lahana said...

This is a very powerful poem. Sometimes it feels like everything we do is meaningless and unimportant. Fortunately, there are other times when we get surprised at how much we can make a difference-- making someone laugh their heads off, helping our sister learn something she never new, or writing a superb poem like this one. All these little things add up to become the big YOU-- someone who's very important (by the way, I still remember the cologne you gave me for Christmas 3 years ago-- the nicest present I was ever given by a student!)