Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Meatrix Part 2 Dairy Fatories and Farms

RGBH is an artificial hormone that the meatrix agents use to put in the animals to make artificial milk. The milk replacer for baby cows is dead cows blood. This is bad because the baby cows can get mad cow disease and the brain turns to mush. As a customer we can buy organic things and fresh groceries. WE as the people who make decisions on what we buy should be more careful on things that we buy to eat.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The meatrix

Animals are fed antibiotics so they cant get sick. This is dangerous because if some one uses antibiotics all the time your system gets use to it and it stops working for you. The animals excrement (poop) smells really bad and it pollutes the air so its dangerous for the animals. A factory farm treats animals like crap and the family farm treats the animals nice and good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My farm working life!!!!!

Its 6:00am and Im getting ready to go to work but im only 11 years old. I work on a farm and it is very hard because all I do all day is work work work work work work work and then work some more. All the work I do is really hard; my back aches,my arms hurt, I feel like i want to drop dead on the spot. I'd much rather be in school or at a home scrubbing a toilet with a tooth brush than do all this hard work.

Monday, September 22, 2008

the moon

Shining like a big bright star
In the cool night sky
The bright lights make me happy

Monday, September 8, 2008

8 Random Things About Me

hello there cmarquez188 here I just thought i could let u know 8 Random Things About Me 

1)I love chocolate milk
2)I have a dog, acat, aturtle, and a fish and im planning on getting a snake
3)I love too listen to music
4)I love to dance weirdly
5)I like math
6)I love to hang out with my best friend Starr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7)I like to have fun
8)I am also an awesome best friend!!!!!!